Why you should go out and vote
The Power of Your Vote
Elected officials represent everyone. Voting is our way of reminding them of this crucial fact. When your community decides not to vote your needs and concerns will rank lower than those of people who do vote. Strength truly lies in numbers—elected officials pay attention to groups that consistently turn out and vote. It’s crucial to research candidates and issues using reliable sources. Here are some local government resources to help you get started:
California Secretary of State https://www.sos.ca.gov/
The Fresno Countyhttps://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/County-ClerkRegistrar-of-Voters/Elections
Polling Place Locator https://www.vote411.org/california#polling-place-locator
Use these tools to find your local election offices, voter registration resources, and polling places. Engaging with these resources will help you make informed decisions.
Finding What Matters to You
Voting allows you to voice your opinion on changes in your community. While the president might not see the potholes on your street, your local elected officials do.
Find at least one thing on the ballot that you care about. Whether it’s healthcare, education, employment, cost of living, or secure housing, there’s always something at stake. Even if you don’t have a specific concern, think about your loved ones and what impacts them.
Local Elections Matter
Voting enables you to influence change on a local level. Our communities have budgets just like we do. When we vote for our leaders, we help decide where and how our community’s budget is spent.
We aim to build strong habits that empower you to effect change in your community. Voting is a habit, just like being civically engaged. Creating a ‘Culture of Voting’ ensures decision-making becomes more representative, benefiting our communities.
Remember, each vote holds immense power and impacts our community’s health and well-being. Get informed, get involved, and vote on NOVEMBER 5TH!
Showcasing the Efforts of Fresno’s Community Health Centers in Civic Engagement
The Community Health Centers (CHCs) in the Fresno region have been tirelessly dedicated to enhancing civic engagement and fostering a stronger democracy. Their efforts are crucial in supporting and empowering local communities, particularly those who have been historically underserved.
The Power of Your Vote
Elected officials represent everyone. Voting is our way of reminding them of this crucial fact. When your community decides not to vote your needs and concerns will rank lower than those of people who do vote. Strength truly lies in numbers—elected officials pay attention to groups that consistently turn out and vote.
Finding What Matters to You
Voting allows you to voice your opinion on changes in your community. While the president might not see the potholes on your street, your local elected officials do.
Find at least one thing on the ballot that you care about. Whether it’s healthcare, education, employment, cost of living, or secure housing, there’s always something at stake. Even if you don’t have a specific concern, think about your loved ones and what impacts them.
Local Elections Matter
Voting enables you to influence change on a local level. Our communities have budgets just like we do. When we vote for our leaders, we help decide where and how our community’s budget is spent.
We aim to build strong habits that empower you to effect change in your community. Voting is a habit, just like being civically engaged. Creating a ‘Culture of Voting’ ensures decision-making becomes more representative, benefiting our communities.
Remember, each vote holds immense power and impacts our community’s health and well-being. Get informed, get involved, and vote on NOVEMBER 5TH!
Showcasing the Efforts of Fresno’s Community Health Centers in Civic Engagement
The Community Health Centers (CHCs) in the Fresno region have been tirelessly dedicated to enhancing civic engagement and fostering a stronger democracy. Their efforts are crucial in supporting and empowering local communities, particularly those who have been historically underserved.
Coming Soon!
Family HealthCare Network (FHCN)
As a community outreach partner, FHCN collaborates annually with La Campesina Radio Station to support the local farmworker population. Presentations and Healthcare Assistance: FHCN provides essential information and healthcare services to farmworkers, ensuring they have access to care.
Health Screenings: Regular health screenings are offered to farmworkers, addressing their immediate health needs and promoting long-term wellness. These efforts not only improve health outcomes but also build trust and collaboration within the community, laying the groundwork for greater civic participation.

Fresno’s Civic Engagement Champions
With the support of Central Valley Health Network amplifying the campaign message and Mi Familia en Acción doing the canvassing and phone banking in the Fresno region, it’s a collaborative effort to encourage our community to make their voices heard.
The dedication of FHCN and UHC in supporting civic engagement is commendable. Their work not only improves health and well-being but also strengthens the democratic process by fostering active participation among all community members. Let’s celebrate their efforts and continue to support initiatives that make Fresno a stronger and more engaged community!